Sustainable & Impact Investing, Corporate Governance & Sustainability Exporting pollution Stefanie Kleimeier, Michael Viehs 22-09-2018
Sustainable Real Estate The Impact of Housing Conditions on Health Outcomes Erdal Aydin, Piet Eichholtz, Nils Kok 04-04-2018
Sustainable & Impact Investing The 18th SDG: Social Entrepreneurship in a Global Society Harry Hummels 02-03-2018
Sustainable & Impact Investing Verantwoord beleggen 2.0 in de pensioenwereld (in Dutch) Harry Hummels 12-01-2018
Sustainable Real Estate Information Provision and Energy Consumption: Evidence from a Field Experiment Erdal Aydin, Dirk Brounen, Nils Kok 16-08-2017
Sustainable Real Estate, Sustainable Banking Arranger Certification in Project Finance Stefanie Kleimeier 09-08-2017
Sustainable Real Estate Big Data in Real Estate? From Manual Appraisal to Automated Valuation Nils Kok 09-07-2017
Sustainable & Impact Investing Why do investors hold socially responsible mutual funds? Paul Smeets 26-06-2017
Sustainable Real Estate Clean Electricity, Dirty Electricity: The Effect on Local House Prices Piet Eichholtz, Nils Kok, Mike Langen 21-02-2017
Sustainable & Impact Investing Healthcare gone digital. Creating shared value through e-health Harry Hummels, Alexander Röntgen 01-07-2016
Sustainable Banking The Resurgence of Cultural Borders during the Financial Crisis Stefanie Kleimeier 22-06-2016
Sustainable Real Estate Is California More Energy Efficient than the Rest of the Nation? Evidence from Commercial Real Estate Matthew Kahn 21-02-2016
Sustainable Banking Self-Regulation in Collaborative Environments: The Case of the Equator Principles in Banking Jaap Bos, Stefanie Kleimeier 30-01-2016
Sustainable & Impact Investing, Sustainable Banking Carbon Disclosure, Emission Levels, and the Cost of Debt Stefanie Kleimeier, Michael Viehs 21-01-2016
Sustainable Real Estate Green Certification and Building Performance: Implications for Tangibles and Intangibles Nils Kok 24-10-2015
Sustainable Banking Deposit Insurance in Times of Crises: Safe Haven or Regulatory Arbitrage? Stefanie Kleimeier 01-10-2015