Innovation in Commercial Real Estate

Doctoral dissertation
Sustainable Real Estate

ECCE has published the dissertation Innovation in Commercial Real Estate by Andrea Chegut which investigates the financial performance of green and connected buildings in London and New York City. The text documents for the 2000s decade the dynamic value of green buildings in London and the surge in value for data centers and fiber-lit buildings in New York City. Main results for all three innovations suggest positive transaction price premiums relative to neighboring conventional buildings, which cannot be explained by the building's construction or renovation costs. The text also explores modeling techniques for commercial real estate with measures covering a repeat sales price index for the London commercial property market and a hedonic model of New York City's commercial property market. These findings are important for institutional investors in commercial real estate who are looking at the economic outcomes of the latest building products coming to market that have an impact on sustainability and energy-effciency.

To order hardcopies of the dissertation or a digital version, please contact ECCE's office manager Els van Aernsbergen (

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