Kees Koedijk
Professor of Finance - Utrecht University School of Business and Economis
Homepage | https://www.uu.nl/medewerkers/CGKoedijk |
https://www.linkedin.com/in/keeskoedijk/?originalSubdomain=nl |
Kees Koedijk is professor of Banking and Finance at Utrecht University. He has been granted many research awards, including the Duurzaam Lintje (2012), a Medal for work on sustainability, two large Mistra Grants (2006 and 2008) from the Swedish government, the Finance et Développement Durable prize of the French newspaper Le Monde (2005), and winner of the Moskowitz Prize for Research on Socially Responsible Investment (2005 and 2002). His current research interests include
- Biodiversity finance and investments
- Sustainable finance disclosure regulation
- Financial markets and institutional investors
He is also parttime professor at the department of Ethics, Governance and Society of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Distinguished Research Professor Shanghai University of Finance and Economics and Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) London. Koedijk was Professor of Finance at Tilburg University (2007-2020), where he has also been Dean and Director of TIAS, Business School (2012-2019) and Dean of the School of Economics and Management of Tilburg University (2007-2012). He was Professor of Financial Management at RSM Erasmus University Rotterdam and Professor of Finance at Maastricht University, and also Senior Economist at the Research Department of De Nederlandsche Bank (Dutch Central Bank).Koedijk obtained his Ph.D. at Erasmus University Rotterdam.
Next to academic appointments, he is member of the board of supervisors of Fontys Hogescholen, and he was member of the investment committee of DSM Pension Fund, external advisor to the board of Stichting ABP, chairman of the supervisory board of mutual funds of ASN Bank and member and chairman of the “Council of Economic Advisors” of the House of Representatives of the Dutch Parliament” (REA, Raad van Economische Adviseurs Tweede Kamer). Next to these memberships he has been co-founder of the companies Global Property Research (GPR) (1994) and Finance Ideas (2004).