Arian Borgers
Investment Manager - Philips Pension Fund
Arian Borgers obtained his doctorate from Tilburg University. Subsequently, he worked at the Finance department of Maastricht University as a researcher. Arian currently works as an Investment Manager at Philips Pension Fund. His main responsibility is monitoring the investment portfolio. He remains active in academia as a research affiliate at ECCE.
His main research agenda is on asset pricing effects of socially responsible investments. Related, he is also interested in household financial and sustainable behavior. His first paper got rewarded with a BSI Gamma grant and the Sustainalitics prize of PRI for best academic responsible investment paper. He published his research in the Journal of Empirical Finance, and the Journal of Banking and Finance. Arian also produced proprietary research for NN Investment Partners (formerly ING Investment Management). He investigated how Environmental, Social, and Governance information can contribute to risk-adjusted portfolio performance both in developed and emerging markets.