Rob Bauer
Professor of Institutional Investors
Rob Bauer is Professor of Finance at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics in The Netherlands. His academic research is focused on pension funds, strategic investment policy, responsible investing, shareholder activism and corporate governance. Rob publishes regularly in professional and academic journals such as Review of Financial Studies, Management Science and Financial Analysts Journal, and acts frequently speaker on national and international conferences. In 2023 he was awarded the Insight Investment - University of Oxford Prize for Greening Finance, 'for his ground-breaking work in sustainable finance and responsible investing particularly applied to pension funds'.
Rob was also Executive Director of the International Centre for Pension Management (ICPM) in Toronto, Canada. Rob is also founder and managing director of Rob Bauer Consultants in which he advises and supports institutional investors on topics related to strategic investments.
Specialties: Pension Fund Management, Investments, Responsible Investing, Corporate Governance