Sustainable Investment in Agro-Forestry

On Wednesday 31 October, students in the Master of Sustainable Finance - developed by ECCE - met with Angélica Rotondaro, founder of Alimi, a Brazilian organization set up to promote sustainable investment in AgroForestry: a more responsible way of combining agriculture and forestry to help preserve biodiversity and contribute to saving the Amazon rainforest.
Also present was ECCE co-director Jaap Bos and Léonie Dissemond, a former Sustainable Finance student who has been working as a trainee for the last 7 months in Brazil, helping Alimi finish their first report. Included in the report, are a number of case studies that light the way for investors to assess the possibilities of investing in this important manner.
In the next months, five Sustainable Finance students will work with Alimi to turn these case studies into full-fledged cases that can be used by pension funds and other institutional investors to help make investment decisions. Read more on AlIMI Impact Ventures...