ECCE - The European center for sustainable finance
ECCE at Maastricht University's School of Business and Economics is the world’s leading research institute on sustainable finance and responsible investing. We offer high-quality research on the impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards on the pricing of assets in financial markets. Moreover, we study the different ways investors can engage with the companies they invest in.
The mission of ECCE is to develop and communicate a thought-provoking and innovative body of knowledge about sustainable finance and closely related topics, through high-quality research, teaching, presentations, conferences, and international partnerships. We aim to encourage an ongoing dialogue between all parties needed to achieve to sustainable development, including investors, analysts, companies, consultants, academic institutes, and regulators.

ECCE can be regarded as a “lab for responsible investment”; a multidisciplinary research network founded by researchers with established track records in the academic domain and in the finance industry. ECCE helps practitioners and scholars understand how businesses and financial markets can promote sustainable development by considering Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) issues.
The ECCE research group receives public endorsement from institutional investors around the world and has been awarded various prestigious research grants and prizes, such as those of the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley (Moskowitz Prize), the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investing, the Mistra foundation (Sweden), and the French Social Investment Forum. ECCE closely communicates and cooperates with large institutional investors. Our industry partners include pension funds, major banks, mutual fund companies and rating agencies. You can benefit from involvement in our research at different levels, ranging from receiving quarterly research updates to being directly involved through our advisory board.
(Photo: Harry Heuts)